This Week in Tanzanian Startup πŸ”₯

Tanzania's Startup Scene Heats Up: Meet the Founders on Forbes Under 30

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Beginnings are hard. Launching and scaling a startup is even harder. That overwhelming feeling when you face the unknown - the ideas buzzing in your head, the fear, the excitement…I know it well. That’s why I’m launching this space.

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Big news! Two incredible Tanzanian tech founders made the prestigious Forbes Under 30 list. This is more than just an honor – it's proof that our startup ecosystem is on the rise. πŸ”₯ Let's get to know these game-changers.

Calvin Usiri, CTO & Co-Founder

FORBES UNDER 30 ,Calvin Usiri, 28, Tanzania

Company: Ramani

The Problem They Solve

Africa's supply chains are often chaotic. Ramani brings organization and data to the process, helping goods move more efficiently.

Why it Matters: Stronger supply chains mean businesses can thrive, creating jobs and boosting the economy.

Prisca Wegesa Magori, CEO & Co-Founder

Prisca Wegesa Magori, 29, Tanzania

The Problem They Solve

Travel within Tanzania can be hard to plan, and many amazing destinations are overlooked. TenTen makes it easy to discover hidden gems and support local tourism.

Why it Matters: Tourism is a huge potential growth sector for Tanzania! Tech solutions can make it accessible to more people.

The Big Question: Is Tech the New Wealth Path?

These founders are disrupting HUGE industries. Could Tanzania's next generation of millionaires come from the startup scene? πŸ€”

Let's unpack this

Supply Chain and Logistics: Calvin's success shows the demand for tech that solves real-world logistics problems.

  • The Africa 4PL Logistics Market size was valued at USD 1.815 Million in 2023 and is expected to reach a market size of USD 3.081 Million by 2032 at a CAGR of 6.8%.

  • The East Africa logistics market size is projected to exhibit a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.13% during 2024-2032.

Are there other untapped opportunities in this space?

The Experience Economy: Prisca is tapping into the desire for unique travel experiences. What other sectors in Tanzania are ripe for tech-powered innovation?

  • In 2023, tourist arrivals to Tanzania increased by 24.3%. Tanzania is a home to top destinations in Africa like Serengeti, Zanzibar, Mt.Kilimanjaro and Ngorongoro conservation.

  • Tourism is a significant sector in the East African Community (EAC) region, contributing about 10% to GDP and 17% to export earnings. It also generates about 7% of the region's employment

The Untapped Tourism Potential

Sub-Saharan Africa has a wealth of breathtaking natural wonders – UNESCO World Heritage sites, incredible biodiversity. Yet, the region lags behind in tourism competitiveness. This presents a massive untapped opportunity for startups to disrupt the industry.

Big Wins for Tanzanian Startups! πŸŽ‰

German development program develoPPP Ventures just invested initial 100,000 € in grant funding in FIVE incredible Tanzanian startups. This means a major cash boost AND support to help them grow. Quick breakdown:

  • Tembo: Making financial services easier for everyone

  • Medikea: Healthcare made simpler with tech and clinics

  • Silabu: Affordable online learning for students

  • Yes:iD: Digital identity solutions for secure online services

  • Safiri: Smoother transport with their booking platform

This is HUGE. Why It Matters?

Proof Tanzania's on the map: International programs are betting on our startups.

Inspiration: If they can do it, so can you! Let's study their success.

Even More Funding Coming πŸ‘€

Stay tuned for develoPPP Ventures' upcoming pitch events – could YOUR startup be next?

Tip of the Week: Think Like an Investor

Even if you're not seeking funding now, start analyzing startups in YOUR market the way a VC would. This sharpens your own business plan.

Funding Spotlight

Don't think funding in Tanzania is all small grants! This week, we're mixing the local with the global:

Ambitious? Try These...

Solve Global Challenges with MIT. Got a solution for climate change, health inequality, or a tough problem in your community with worldwide potential? MIT Solve offers funding, mentorship, and a chance to showcase your work on a prestigious platform.

Y Combinator: The Startup Supercharger . This legendary accelerator helped launch Airbnb and Dropbox. YC is HARD to get into, but if you're building the next tech giant, it's worth the shot. Tanzanian founders, prove you belong!

Visa Everywhere Initiative. If fintech is your space, solving global payments problems could be your ticket to funding and major visibility. This competition puts you in front of a massive financial player.

Focused on Impact?

Invest In Women, We Empower UN SDG Challenge. Women-led businesses solving big problems, get the funding you deserve.

AfriLabs, Intel, and Prosper Africa Initiative. Tech for good? This gets you resources alongside funding

Toilet Board Coalition Accelerator. Niche, but solving sanitation issues is a real need with funding to match.

Smaller Wins Build Momentum

776. Super early-stage, but a great fit if you plan on scaling fast.

Villgro Africa. Regularly posts health-focused funding calls.

Peerless Pitch. Check their "Open Contests" – pitch competitions are great practice and sometimes come with cash.

Is Winning the ONLY Goal?

No! The application process forces you to refine your idea. Even if you don't get the funding, the feedback can be more valuable than the money itself.

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