How Chatafisha is creating wealth to waste pickers.

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's bustling metropolis, is home to over 6 million residents. It is the 5th most populated city and is one of the fastest-growing cities in Africa. However, with rapid urbanization comes significant challenges, particularly in waste management.

The city generates an enormous amount of waste daily, 4,500 tonnes of municipal solid waste, and unfortunately, 60% of it goes uncollected, leading to severe environmental and health issues.

The city's waste is made up of 57.2% organic waste, 13.1% plastic waste, 6.1% paper-related waste, 2.3% glass, 1.0% ferrous metal, and 20.3% other.

In Africa most populated city, the metro area of Lagos which has over 20 million people generates an estimated 12,000 metric tonnes of waste daily.

The Invisible Heroes

Photo: WIEGO Global

Amidst this challenge, a group of unsung heroes works tirelessly: the informal waste pickers.

Nearly 900-1,000 people work at the Pugu dumpsite informally at Dar es saalam.

These individuals are the backbone of Dar es Salaam's waste management system, sifting through heaps of rubbish to collect recyclables.

Despite their essential role, they face exploitation and financial exclusion, earning meager wages for their labor-intensive work.

Approximately 59% of all the plastic material collected for recycling globally is carried out by the informal waste sector.


This Tanzanian Startup is turning trash to treasure

Chatafisha Team

Co-founded by David Machuche, Victor Muhagachi and Simalike Musika Chatafisha is an innovative startup dedicated to transforming waste management.

Chatafisha is building a network of waste centers across the city, providing waste pickers with the tools they need to track their daily offsets and earn fair compensation.

This network not only improves the efficiency of waste collection but also ensures that waste pickers are recognized and rewarded for their hard work.

Chatafisha Leveraging Blockchain for Transparency and Trust

To address the challenges of trust and verification in waste management, Chatafisha leverages blockchain technology. Each transaction and waste collection activity is recorded on a secure, transparent ledger, ensuring accountability and traceability.

This blockchain integration provides an immutable record of waste offsets, enabling businesses and individuals to verify the impact of their contributions in real-time.

Chatafisha’s impact is already being felt across the city. With over 10 waste collection points registered and more than 120 waste pickers impacted, the startup is making significant impact in formalizing waste structures and empowering marginalized communities.

Over 10 tonnes of waste plastic have been verified and processed through Chatafisha's centers, highlighting the tangible ecological impact of their efforts.

But Chatafisha is not just about managing plastic waste only.

“We work on a bunch of stuff, not just plastic. The reason we built Chatafisha is to develop digital solutions for marginalized communities, leaving a lasting mark. Our mission includes community development, urbanization, and the formalization of waste structures to unlock maximum ecological impact”.

David Machuche, co-founder chatafisha

Co-founder David Machuche adds, "We are streamlining ecological impact in waste, clean cooking stoves, renewable energy projects, and more. Our goal is to unlock ecological credits for these projects, ensuring a sustainable and impactful future."

Chatafisha’s impact extends beyond waste collection. This approach not only addresses environmental challenges but also economic empowerment and social equity within the community.

Through their innovative methodology, Chatafisha is setting a new standard for waste management and community support in Tanzania and Africa.

PS - if you’re a business looking to purchase Impact certificates and reduce your carbon footprint check out Chatafisha or get in touch with them.


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